by Lily Najjar | Jan 14, 2022 | Success Stories Blog
TASK: Create infographics about specific topics relating to the Pennsylvania Carceral System using research, data visualization, and thoughtful design. As the culminating assignment for Christina Cook’s English 015 course, her students used the rhetorical skills...
by Lily Najjar | Jan 14, 2022 | Success Stories Blog
TASK: Create informative content, including infographics and copywriting, for the ‘About Us’ page for a local makerspace Over the course of the Fall 2021 semester, the students in Britta Petrich’s English 015 class conducted research, employed rhetorical strategies,...
by mup84 | Mar 21, 2020 | Success Stories Blog
When instructor Layli Miron was assigned to English 30, “Honors Freshman Composition,” for Fall 2019, she decided to theme the course around immigration rhetoric. More specifically, Miron hoped that her students might query how matters of literacy are central to...
by mup84 | Nov 1, 2019 | Success Stories Blog
Students entered English 418—Advanced Technical Writing and Editing—and their instructor, Megan Poole, asked them to write down their goals for the semester. Over 60% of the students wanted to learn how to “write...
by mup84 | Aug 21, 2019 | Success Stories Blog
Task: Create a feasible, cost-effective tour for Student Farm workers that presents carefully researched information about sustainable farming, food waste, and the role that the farm plays in the Penn State ecosystem. With a little over two weeks, a $75 budget, and...