by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Guest Speaker Profiles, Job applications, Peer review, Public speaking, Revising, editing, publishing
Joe is the President/CEO of the Blair County Chamber of Commerce, an organization with 1,054 members. Apart from his administrative role, he is responsible for writing a column and a majority of the stories featured in the Blair Business Mirror, the Chamber’s...
by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Business communication, Guest Speaker Profiles, Public speaking
Tarun Chawla is a Technical Manager at Remcom Inc. An electrical engineer, Tarun has particular interests in the areas of technology, customer interaction, product ownership, and management. He has experience in engineering applications, leadership, communication,...
by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Arguments, Business communication, Guest Speaker Profiles, Job applications, Public speaking
Scott is a Technical Account Manager at Intel where he has been employed for 25 years. His major responsibility is working with Intel customers on designs in the evolving Internet of Things (IOT) marketplace as computer technology integrates with our daily activities....
by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Business communication, Guest Speaker Profiles, Job applications, Proposals, Public speaking
In his lengthy career, Chet has gained expertise in a variety of technical writing genres, including reports, performance appraisals, business correspondence, and conference proceedings. Persuasive writing challenges he has faced include developing project proposals,...
by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Arguments, Business communication, Evaluations & definitions, Field research, Guest Speaker Profiles, Instruction sets, Job applications, Multimedia composing, Narratives & profiles, Peer review, Proposals, Public speaking, Reporting, Revising, editing, publishing
Andrew currently works for Parsons. He has held a number of roles in engineering and EPCM consulting companies over the last 30+ years; he credits clear and effective communication as the catalysts for his mobility, both horizontally and vertically. He has held both...
by abb5488 | Jul 31, 2017 | Arguments, Business communication, Guest Speaker Profiles, Proposals, Public speaking
Amy is the Executive Director of the Mid-State Literacy Council, a non-profit organization that provides adult education instruction in basic literacy, ESL, and family literacy in the Centre County community. Amy’s 35-year career in the field of literacy has included...