My Rhetorical Life is a podcast series produced by Curry Kennedy in collaboration with the Public Writing Initiative. In each episode, Curry speaks with one of our guest speakers about the role writing plays in their life. If you use a podcast in your teaching, please let us know!
Episode 1: Ali W. Rothrock, Firefighter and Entrepreneur
“My transition between being a victim versus being a survivor was through the active process of regaining and then using my voice.”
Check out Ali’s guest speaker profile.
Episode 2: Will Hughes, Analyst in the PA House of Representatives
“Make your voice heard; leaders are listening.”
Check out Will’s guest speaker profile.
Episode 3: Chet McQuaide, Engineer
“I’m an engineer… but the perspective I gained in my freshman English course was priceless.”
Check out Chet’s guest speaker profile.
Episode 4: Molly Kunkel, Nonprofit Executive
“It has surprised me how important writing is in the nonprofit world.”
Check out Molly’s guest speaker profile.
Episode 5: Heather Holleman, Writer and Scholar
“Your most valuable professional skill in nearly any setting is your ability to tell a good and strategic story.”
Check out Heather’s guest speaker profile.
Additional Episodes
We’ll be posting more podcasts soon!